Trillium Association of Residential Homeowners (TARH) is in no way affiliated with the Government of Ontario or any other government organization or entity. The information on this website is intended as general information only, not as legal advice. Every situation is unique. If you need advice, you should consult a lawyer. The information on this website was correct when posted, but because information changes frequently it may have become outdated. Links to other websites are provided for the convenience of users. Trillium Association of Residential Homeowners otherwise known as (TARH) is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on these external websites. Except for your personal use, you may not reproduce, download, print, adapt, copy, translate or publish any content of this document, in whole or in part, without TARH’s prior written permission.
Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract with a brokerage. *Nothing herein shall be construed as to create an express or implied agreement, constitute a contract offer, or create any legally binding or enforceable obligations on any party. Offer and/or Grants subject to change, minimums may apply. Grants are paid to eligible participants in the form of a rebate upon completion of the transaction. Subject to terms & conditions which are located at: All Grant Rebates are offered directly by our licenced Realtor® partners independently from the TARH.